NeuroSpice Girls

Find friendship with other moms that ‘just get it.’

We’re parenting the spectrum with sparkle.

NeuroSpice Girls is a community for moms of neurodivergent kids that provides real-time peer support and plans social events to give moms a well-deserved break.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all handbook for parenting

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in six children between the ages of 3-17 have one or more developmental disabilities such as Autism, Tourette’s, or ADHD. Physical, emotional, learning, and intellectual disabilities add flavor to an already spicy mix.

NeuroSpice Girls connects moms and caregivers on this atypical journey. We’re building local support - one coffee chat and event at a time.

Amanda Levin, woman with red hair and pink shirt

Even Supermoms Need Support

Amanda Levin, Founder

Amanda Levin founded NeuroSpice Girls in 2023.

The entrepreneur and mom of two saw how lonely it can be navigating neurodiverse parenting.

She founded NeuroSpice Girls to bring moms together for social activities and friendship.

I sought out local moms with similar experiences. My search turned up empty, leading me to develop NeuroSpice Girls.

-Amanda Levin, Founder of NeuroSpice Girls

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar for these NeuroSpice Girls events. Click the image to RSVP.

Let’s Get Real

NeuroSpice Girls get social.

Neurospice is the idea that neurodiversity is a natural part of human variation. It’s the extra kick that makes life interesting.